TMBA Podcast Episodes

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TMBA 498: When Does an Artist Become an Entrepreneur?
Episodes, TMBA Podcast Dan Andrews Episodes, TMBA Podcast Dan Andrews

TMBA 498: When Does an Artist Become an Entrepreneur?

Dan and Ian love stories where creative people find success through entrepreneurship. Truthfully, it's not something we have had a chance to talk about much on this podcast, but art and entrepreneurship don't have to be mutually exclusive. In fact, the skillsets can actually be complementary. Today's guest has figured that out herself, as she went from working a 9-to-5 while living with her parents to traveling the world on her own terms. Cat Coquilette is an artist and illustrator who has made a career licensing her artwork and designs through companies like Target, Urban Outfitters, and Bed Bath & Beyond. On today's podcast, Cat joins us to share how she navigated the journey from her childhood bedroom to successful solopreneurship, without sacrificing her creative fulfillment along the way.

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TMBA 497: Success is Solving Other People's Problems
Episodes, TMBA Podcast Dan Andrews Episodes, TMBA Podcast Dan Andrews

TMBA 497: Success is Solving Other People's Problems

On this week's show, Dan and Ian are talking about getting real with yourself about what you need to do to succeed. Very few people are more qualified to talk about that than John Ainsworth. John is the CEO and founder of Data Driven Marketing, which builds, fixes, and optimizes automated sales funnels. Those sales funnels are the mechanisms that many online businesses use to communicate with customers and entice them to buy their products.

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TMBA 496: Should You Go Remote?
Episodes, TMBA Podcast Dan Andrews Episodes, TMBA Podcast Dan Andrews

TMBA 496: Should You Go Remote?

Dan and Ian have been spending much of their time thinking about remote work these days. Ever since they started their new business Dynamite Jobs, they have been seeking more information about the remote work ecosystem. One of the things that they've realized is that remote work isn't necessarily for everybody. Just like the traditional office setting, it comes with its own set of challenges.

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TMBA 495: Going All In on a Side Project
Episodes, TMBA Podcast Dan Andrews Episodes, TMBA Podcast Dan Andrews

TMBA 495: Going All In on a Side Project

On today's podcast, Dan and Ian are following up with the subject of one of the most popular episodes in recent years. Tommy Griffith is the founder of ClickMinded, an online SEO training course that he started while he was working at Paypal. Tommy joined us two and a half years ago to talk about how he started that business as a Saturday Morning Side Hustle. When we last spoke with Tommy in 2017, he was about to quit one of the best jobs in the world as the head of SEO at AirBNB to travel the world and focus on Clickminded full-time. It didn't go quite as planned, as you'll find out on this week's episode. Tommy returns to the podcast today to talk about what went wrong, and why he decided almost eight years into growing his business that it was time to take on a co-founder.

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TMBA 494: The Affiliate Marketing Adventure
Episodes, TMBA Podcast Dan Andrews Episodes, TMBA Podcast Dan Andrews

TMBA 494: The Affiliate Marketing Adventure

Dan and Ian have heard many variations of the same question over the years: "I want to be an entrepreneur, but how do I get started?" Today's guest has some really practical insight into what it means to take the leap into starting your own business. Dom Wells started out, as many do, building affiliate marketing sites. He's gone on to establish several successful spin-off businesses from what was effectively a side hustle, all while he was still working a full-time job teaching English in Taipei. This week, Dom joins us to share tips for getting started on the long journey of entrepreneurship, how to build a skillset and a network, and the mistakes that he made along the way.

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TMBA 492: The Re-Readables: Rich Dad Poor Dad
Episodes, TMBA Podcast Dan Andrews Episodes, TMBA Podcast Dan Andrews

TMBA 492: The Re-Readables: Rich Dad Poor Dad

Recently, Dan and Ian have been revisiting some of their favorite books on this podcast in a recurring series that we like to call "The Re-Readables." This week, we are digging into a classic entrepreneurial book that was suggested to us by our friend, author, and frequent guest on this podcast, Kyla Gardner of That book is Robert Kiyosaki's Rich Dad Poor Dad. In that book, Kiyosaki basically suggests that if you want to be rich and successful, you've got to ditch the middle-class mindset. Kyla joins us this week to discuss some of the controversial opinions in this book, which ideas in that book have aged the best and which have aged the worst, and much, much more.

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TMBA 491: Breaking Up is Still Hard to Do
Episodes, TMBA Podcast Dan Andrews Episodes, TMBA Podcast Dan Andrews

TMBA 491: Breaking Up is Still Hard to Do

Dan and Ian have shared a lot of business success stories on this podcast over the years. We love sharing those stories on this show, but sometimes the tough experiences that entrepreneurs have endured are the ones that we learn from the most. Freddy Lansky is the co-founder of iChess, which sells chess videos, courses and DVDs online. Recently, Freddy decided to leave that business, choosing to dissolve an eight-year business partnership with one of his closest friends. On today's episode, Freddy joins us to speak about the origins of iChess, what it felt like to be trapped in a business that was no longer fulfilling to him, and how he and his partner navigated their breakup.

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TMBA 490: The Six-Figure Slump
Episodes, TMBA Podcast Dan Andrews Episodes, TMBA Podcast Dan Andrews

TMBA 490: The Six-Figure Slump

A few weeks ago, Dan and Ian hosted their annual Dynamite Circle event in Austin, Texas. They met many listeners of this show who traveled from all around the world to attend. Those entrepreneurs shared some incredible stories, insights, advice, and feedback with us, and we can't wait to talk about them.

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TMBA 488: The Re-Readables: The War of Art
Episodes, TMBA Podcast Dan Andrews Episodes, TMBA Podcast Dan Andrews

TMBA 488: The Re-Readables: The War of Art

The War of Art by Steven Pressfield was published in 2002. Since then, it has inspired countless entrepreneurs, artists, writers, and creatives around the world. On today's show, we are revisiting The War of Art, talking about why it was so influential, and asking whether or not the ideas in that book have withstood the test of time.

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TMBA 487: “If It Makes Us Money We Shouldn't Be Doing It”
Episodes, TMBA Podcast Dan Andrews Episodes, TMBA Podcast Dan Andrews

TMBA 487: “If It Makes Us Money We Shouldn't Be Doing It”

Chris reached out to us about the recent troubles he's had hiring people. We thought it might be a good idea to record that conversation and share it with our listeners. This week's episode is all about hiring. You'll hear about what goes into the decision to hire, the hiring process itself, and how to successfully interview and eventually hire the best people for your jobs.

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TMBA 485: Mastering the Art of Entrepreneurial Kung Fu
Episodes, TMBA Podcast Dan Andrews Episodes, TMBA Podcast Dan Andrews

TMBA 485: Mastering the Art of Entrepreneurial Kung Fu

Dan and Ian have talked a lot about business strategy on this show, but there are some business techniques that are so powerful, you have to learn them from a true master. Jason Cohen, the founder of WP Engine, recently wrote a piece on his blog titled Kung Fu. In that blog, Jason proposes that all entrepreneurs are essentially fighters. We are fighting to make a living, fighting to survive, and fighting to change marketplaces. Any good fighter needs to have a plan, and in that blog post, Jason shared his own "secret moves" for running a business. On today's episode, we are talking about some of Jason's secret business moves, and sharing a few of our own as well.

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TMBA 484: 5 Things We’ve Learned From Running a New Business for 6 Months
Episodes, TMBA Podcast Dan Andrews Episodes, TMBA Podcast Dan Andrews

TMBA 484: 5 Things We’ve Learned From Running a New Business for 6 Months

A lot of our listeners have been reaching out to us lately to ask about Dan and Ian's newest business venture, Dynamite Jobs. They have been running the business for the past six months, and it is still very much in the early stages. As the business has grown and changed over that time, they've learned a lot of things that they didn't expect. On today's podcast, we're sharing five things that we have learned in the last six months of running a new productized services business. Later on in the episode, we'll be discussing some specific numbers, goals, and takeaways from the first six months of Dynamite Jobs. You'll also hear three reasons why we think the remote hiring process isn't working for a lot of entrepreneurs.

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TMBA 483: Search Engine Optimization in 2019 (Plus, The Dark Side of SEO)
Episodes, TMBA Podcast Dan Andrews Episodes, TMBA Podcast Dan Andrews

TMBA 483: Search Engine Optimization in 2019 (Plus, The Dark Side of SEO)

Longtime listeners of this show know that Dan and Ian spent the early part of their entrepreneurial career building product businesses online. What you might not know is that Search Engine Optimization, commonly referred to as SEO, was one of the first skillsets that they learned when building those businesses. A lot has changed in the last decade when it comes to SEO, and this week's guest seems to be at the forefront of that progress. Tim Soulo is the Chief Marketing Officer and Product Adviser for Ahrefs. Ahrefs is a Software-as-a-Service company that provides a suite of incredibly useful SEO research tools. Their website is also host to one of the best SEO blogs on the internet.On today's podcast, Tim shares some keen insight on the evolution of SEO and how you can make SEO work for your business. We'll also be exploring some of the darker sides of SEO and content marketing.

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TMBA 482: “I Got There and I Thought It Sucked” - From Digital Dreams to Deals
Episodes, TMBA Podcast Dan Andrews Episodes, TMBA Podcast Dan Andrews

TMBA 482: “I Got There and I Thought It Sucked” - From Digital Dreams to Deals

Dan and Ian have shared many stories on this podcast of people who have escaped from the cubicle in search of location-independence. This week's episode is a little different, as today's guest left his 9-to-5 job in pursuit of entrepreneurial freedom, only to find that it wasn't what it was cracked up to be. Coran Woodmass left his job in Australia and moved to Chiang Mai, Thailand. He started building, buying and selling small web properties, but ultimately realized that it didn't make him happy. These days, Coran has moved into a field he is incredibly passionate about, advising and brokering quality deals for Amazon FBA owners through his new business, This conversation is about buying and selling Amazon businesses, but it's about a lot more than that too, specifically, what makes you feel satisfied and fulfilled.

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TMBA 481: Our Favorite Books of the Past 12 Months
Episodes, TMBA Podcast Dan Andrews Episodes, TMBA Podcast Dan Andrews

TMBA 481: Our Favorite Books of the Past 12 Months

On this week's episode, we are continuing one of Dan and Ian's favorite traditions on the podcast. Today we are talking about books, and in particular our favorite books that we have read in the past year. Last year, we invited our good friend and talented author Kyla Gardner to the show to talk about books with us.We had so much fun with that episode that we asked her to return this week. On today's podcast, Dan and Kyla are sharing their five favorite reads of 2019. This conversation also details how some of our reading habits have changed since last year, why Kyla has started writing fiction, and much more.

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TMBA 480: Thoughts on Funding Options for Bootstrappers with Rob Walling
Episodes, TMBA Podcast Dan Andrews Episodes, TMBA Podcast Dan Andrews

TMBA 480: Thoughts on Funding Options for Bootstrappers with Rob Walling

Rob Walling is someone who should be very familiar to the listeners of this show. He hosts one of our favorite podcasts, Startups for the Rest of Us, organizes his own annual conference called MicroConf, and has previously owned and sold several startups, including a Software-as-a-Service company called Drip. Rob has also recently started his own startup accelerator fund called TinySeed, which is specifically designed to help bootstrappers grow their businesses. On today's show, Rob has joined us to share his thoughts about venture capital, bootstrapping, and what he hopes to accomplish with TinySeed.

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