An Entrepreneur's Blog
Here’s every article posted at TMBA since 2009.
This post attempts to sum it up (but that was a few years ago!). Since then, we sold our business, and many new things have happened around the blog.
If you’d like to save time, we email readers about articles, musings, and news. You can sign up here.
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DC Black Invites TMBA Listeners to Join, Personality Disorders, and Business Finance
A lot happened this week! Our new community for 7 & 8-figure founders is filling up fast and we’re stoked to open the doors to TMBA listeners. On this week’s podcast, we explore frameworks for identifying and dealing with high-conflict personalities.
2023 Updates YTD - High-Level Communities, Podcast Updates, and More
We’ve got news! Dan takes the stage to deliver some big updates about the podcast, the new high-level community, and more. Plus, how you can get involved.
2022 TMBA Year in Review – Our Top 10 Most Memorable Moments
This year felt busy. Part of the busyness was travel, which for me, returned to pre-pandemic levels – with a trip every month and a few long stays abroad. Our business was equally frantic at times.
Our Q1 Business Updates - The "OMTM" Edition
Just before Christmas of last year, I wrote an annual update about the various aspects of our business. Many of you emailed me positive feedback
Hiring Remote Employees Can Be a Pain - That’s Why We Now Do Remote Recruiting*
It was nearly one year ago today – June 2020 – that our team decided to make it a primary focus to build product and
Our Top 10 Inspiring Movies About Entrepreneurs
It’s time to get inspired and motivated by movies. We’re all hanging out quarantine, so let’s enjoy some movies about entrepreneurship that may just encourage us to do better in life.
Letter to the editor: FIRE Movement - What's the Priority - Making Money or Saving Money?
Today I'd like to share a letter from reader Kevin Marshall. He responded thoughtfully to a YouTube rant that in retrospect, I'm not very proud of. As in many poor and one-sided debate, I committed all the same errors I was accusing others of.
5 Ways to Start a New Business in 2020
Entering the entrepreneurial life does not always require light bulb moments and inventing the next great thing. The following are five trusted methods to help you look for new opportunities and capitalize on them.
5 Tips for Being Great at Email in 2020
Despite teams adopting project management tools and more platforms for communicating, email is still the center of business in 2020. It’s highly probable that the importance of email will continue to endure.
How to Get Started in Ecommerce in 2020 feat. Allen Walton
Have you thought about starting a business with all this extra time at home? Many people are, and they are seeking the right information on how to get started. A listener named Sabrina, who is quarantined in Tokyo wrote to us as she’s looking for entrepreneurial opportunities and wants to know how to best use this time to learn.
An Entrepreneur’s Timeline for Generating Wealth
When does an entrepreneur become wealthy? If an entrepreneur can follow the path without too much diversion, potentially within ten years of starting. This generalized path to wealth for bootstrapping entrepreneurs is straight forward but it’s not the same for everyone.
Behold, We've Dusted Off The TMBA Blog
In the meantime, Bossman and I have taken to doing daily Youtube livestreams as a way to share and brainstorm ideas in real time with TMBA listeners. It’s been really fun.
What are Your Favorite Job Interview Questions?
As a team we’ve been doing tons of interviews in our efforts to match remote professionals with great companies over at Dynamite Jobs. We’re exploring ways to ask more elegant and efficient questions.
Do you Need to Quit Your Job to Build a Successful Business?
Back in the day I strongly encouraged quitting your job. But there are lots of ways to get more freedom and flexibility in your career and business without necessarily doing that. Let’s dig a little past mere possibility and start to look at what’s working for people.
The Charisma Trap - One Way Entrepreneurs Screw Up Hiring Remote Employees
The Charisma Trap is when a job candidate shows a tremendous amount of enthusiasm for the position in a way that resonates deeply with the entrepreneur. This enthusiasm manifests in compelling ways: the candidate is a true believer in the company’s purpose, the candidate is passionate about future prospects and in the companies potential.
10 More 4-Hour Work Week Case Studies
It’s worth noting that I’m not 100% clear whether or not all of these entrepreneurs would identify themselves as doing business in the 4HWW style. In fact, our adoption and implementation of some of the book’s principles have led us, as a community, to both expand and critique them (naturally!).
Hitching a Ride on the Digital Nomad Express
The archetype at the core of the digital nomad identity is that of the backpacker or traveler. So you might say: earn like an entrepreneur or freelancer, and live like a backpacker or traveler and boom: digital nomad.
"Why I Went to DCBKK 2018" - What Being a Deaf Entrepreneur Is Like
Many members, though, have been sharing their thoughts about the event, how they experienced it and how it might change their business. One that caught my eye was that of Nabeel Keblawi, who is a professional B2B copywriter.
Looking for a career jumpstart? Come apprentice with us this winter.
We’re seeking someone with a lot of energy and ambition to join our team this winter as an apprentice. The gig is a paid (but not much!) marketing apprenticeship designed to be a springboard into the location independent lifestyle.
Taking a Walk This Weekend? - Here's a Great Podcast Episode to Take with You
In this conversation they touch on a broad range of topics: sports, hustle, the importance of a ‘scene,’ how creative movements depend on many creators collaborating, befriending influential and powerful people, family, business strategy, getting to “your number,” why Michael Jackson’s “Off the Wall” is a more important record than “Thriller,”.