Five Hangovers from 2016
There are a few things in my life, left over from 2016, which I’d like to change in 2017.
They are:
Lose the extra 15 lbs for good. I’m guessing this one is on many people’s New Year’s resolutions list. Luckily for me, I usually only fluctuate a few pounds, but any more than that is just enough to make me feel unhealthy. I’m going to drop down to my fighting weight in the next 60 days and stay there for the remainder of the year.
Track my time. Although I had a great year in 2016, I felt like I wasn’t able to track my progress very well. This year I’m going to start a weekly journal where I write down my activities. Although I think this will eventually lead to setting goals, at first I want to have the freedom to observe, and reflect on, the ways that I am spending my time.
Finish big construction projects. I bought a house in mid-2016. I would like all of the renovations on my home to be done by mid to late 2017. I assume there will still be some remaining touch-up work but, for the most part, I would like all of the major jobs to be complete, so I can enjoy the space.
Start a new business. I purposely didn’t push myself to do this in 2016, partially because I was burned out and also, in part, because I wanted to see what my natural inclinations would be. I can report back that I am officially anxious! And I’m ready to start experimenting again. I’m trying not to pressure myself into starting the biggest, baddest business. But I would like to get back on the train and start solving problems for people.
Make at least one investment. I haven’t done much of this, so far, but I also haven’t found many vehicles that come close to the returns I’ve been able to achieve in my businesses. However, I’d like to take a small amount of money and invest it into someone, or a business, I believe in. If you think that I might be a good fit for your company, shoot me an email at ian (at) I’m mostly interested in physical product or e-commerce businesses where I can also provide leadership.
Feel free to write your goals for 2017 below in the comments. It will be fun for me to look back at the end of the year and see if this exercise was successful.