An Entrepreneur's Blog
Here’s every article posted at TMBA since 2009.
This post attempts to sum it up (but that was a few years ago!). Since then, we sold our business, and many new things have happened around the blog.
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The Alchemy of Pitching - What To Consider When Selling Yourself or Your Business via Email
This week’s podcast outlines our thoughts about how to be more successful making pitches, and cutting deals, via email. Ahead of that episode, TMBA’s producer Jane, has agreed to share some thoughts about how to reach out to podcasts – and other media outlets – drawing on her experience working at the BBC and with shows like ours.
A Mistake Most Interviewers Make
While listening to Zach Lowe’s podcast last night, I noticed him make a small mistake that most questioners of all types make. Sometimes, this mistake is made intentionally for deceitful purposes (see if you can spot the use case).
How to Build a Portable Podcast Studio
Over the last few months, I’ve been working on building a portable podcast studio. This process has involved ordering a lot of useless equipment (sorry Bossman!) and lots of tinkering around. But, finally, I’ve fixed on a set-up that I’m happy with.
How I Built and Sold a Blog Valued at Over $200 a Post
Gary Vaynerchuck famously said that anyone can 'cash in on their passion' creating online communities that revolve around engaging content. The truth, though, is that you are never cashing in on your passion.
The TMBA Info-Diet : How to Get Where You Want to Be in 10 Years
I’m a big fan of the Foolish Adventure Podcast. I’ve listened to most of the episodes. I learn a lot from Tim and Izzy. A few months back I started emailing Tim. Then we started talking on the phone.