An Entrepreneur's Blog
Here’s every article posted at TMBA since 2009.
This post attempts to sum it up (but that was a few years ago!). Since then, we sold our business, and many new things have happened around the blog.
If you’d like to save time, we email readers about articles, musings, and news. You can sign up here.
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The Alchemy of Pitching - What To Consider When Selling Yourself or Your Business via Email
This week’s podcast outlines our thoughts about how to be more successful making pitches, and cutting deals, via email. Ahead of that episode, TMBA’s producer Jane, has agreed to share some thoughts about how to reach out to podcasts – and other media outlets – drawing on her experience working at the BBC and with shows like ours.
101 Monetizable Blog Topics
Most blogs are going to fail. The blog you are writing right now is probably going to fail. Lord knows, most of the blogs that I have started have failed.
33 Reader Questions About Location Independent Business
This weekend I asked the readers on the TMBA mailing list if I could help them out with any business questions. To those of you who asked the questions below, I’m happy to continue the discussion with further resources, links, and perspectives in the public comments.
Making a Living By Writing Blogs
In 2011 I helped generate over $30,000 in profits for our company by writing blog posts. If you think of my blogging efforts as an independent business, I’m tracking nicely with the 1000 day rule.
"I Wish I Would Have Worked More" - On Being a Time Tyrant
Vague social pressure– social inertia– was a problem for me in my 20’s. I found it difficult to identify the things I wanted to spend my time on. Instead, I’d often go with the flow and be disappointed that me and my group of friends weren’t ‘doing more.’
How I Built and Sold a Blog Valued at Over $200 a Post
Gary Vaynerchuck famously said that anyone can 'cash in on their passion' creating online communities that revolve around engaging content. The truth, though, is that you are never cashing in on your passion.
100 Online Marketing, Entrepreneurship, and Personal Development Blog Posts Later...
What came next was pitch-perfect entrepreneurship. Mr. Entrepreneur took the competitor’s successful model, made a few innovative twists, and applied it to a new market.
Do you Have What it Takes to be a Strategist?
It’s true. There are secrets to success. They are hidden everywhere, and the most incredible people around us weave them together in the most unlikely ways.
What I'm All About
In that moment it occurred to me that people don’t read blogs only to get the best information on a topic, or the most sound arguments. They show up to be a part of the conversation. To engage others who are talking about the same ideas.
Dear Entrepreneur, Don't Start a Blog
If you feel that you are in this category, my suggestion is that you create content that is part of of a paid product, program, or service. If your desire is to connect, consider expressing yourself through your products and business.