TMBA Podcast Episodes

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TMBA 618: Exploring Alternative Education Options for Nomadic Families
Episodes, TMBA Podcast Dan Andrews Episodes, TMBA Podcast Dan Andrews

TMBA 618: Exploring Alternative Education Options for Nomadic Families

We've spoken at great length on this podcast about how the Covid pandemic has forced us to make changes in the way that we run our businesses.This week, we're going to speak to an entrepreneur who used the landscape of Covid as an opportunity to provide an entirely different educational experience for her children.Carrie McKeegan is the CEO and co-founder of Greenback Expat Tax Services, which helps Americans abroad prepare and file their taxes.

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TMBA 617: Once Upon a Time in Mexico
Episodes, TMBA Podcast Dan Andrews Episodes, TMBA Podcast Dan Andrews

TMBA 617: Once Upon a Time in Mexico

It has been nearly two years since we've hosted an event for the members of our private membership forum The Dynamite Circle.DCMEX, our first official event since 2019, is just a few short weeks away, and we couldn't be more excited to see so many listeners of this podcast in Mexico City this October.In-person events are so important to those of us in the entrepreneurial community.From the relationships that we develop to the things that we learn together, there are so many reasons why entrepreneurs can benefit from being together in the same place.

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TMBA 616: The True Cost of Burnout, Anxiety, and Entrepreneurial Depression
Episodes, TMBA Podcast Dan Andrews Episodes, TMBA Podcast Dan Andrews

TMBA 616: The True Cost of Burnout, Anxiety, and Entrepreneurial Depression

Today's episode is all about mental health, depression, anxiety, and the effect that these things can have on the way that we run our businesses.Benny Lewis is the founder of Fluent in 3 months, and he recently opened up about his own struggles at our unofficial DCx event in London a few weeks ago.While his business was "successful" by many traditional metrics, his personal life was far from it.

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TMBA 615: 8 Simple Steps for Improving Your Sales Funnel
Episodes, TMBA Podcast Dan Andrews Episodes, TMBA Podcast Dan Andrews

TMBA 615: 8 Simple Steps for Improving Your Sales Funnel

This week's episode is full of actionable advice for anyone who is looking to improve their revenue and optimize their sales.We were taking notes throughout the entire conversation with today's guest, and by the time it had ended, it felt like we had taken part in an incredible workshop.John Ainsworth is the founder of Data Driven Marketing, and he has recently started a group that coaches course creators who are looking to increase the revenue of their business.

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TMBA 614: The Lifestyle Ladder
Episodes, TMBA Podcast Dan Andrews Episodes, TMBA Podcast Dan Andrews

TMBA 614: The Lifestyle Ladder

This week's podcast is inspired by a blog post that we published back in 2014.That post was titled "What is the Real Cost of the Permanent Travel Lifestyle?" and many of the points we touched on in that article are still being discussed by people in our community today.One of those people is Jesse Schoberg.Jesse is the founder of DropInBlog, and he is all too familiar with the challenges of bootstrapping his way up the "Lifestyle Ladder".

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TMBA 612: Mailbag: Avoiding Drama in Your Business
Episodes, TMBA Podcast Dan Andrews Episodes, TMBA Podcast Dan Andrews

TMBA 612: Mailbag: Avoiding Drama in Your Business

We are once again reaching into the mailbag this week to answer some pressing questions from the Tropical MBA audience.This is a somewhat unorthodox episode, as we are "shooting from the hip" on a variety of items that have come across our desk in the past few months.We'll be discussing how to structure your teams (specifically in an agency), tips for staying focused on what's important in your business, and how to avoid the dreaded "D-word" in your business: drama.

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TMBA 611: Should You Bootstrap or Seek Funding For Your Startup?
Episodes, TMBA Podcast Dan Andrews Episodes, TMBA Podcast Dan Andrews

TMBA 611: Should You Bootstrap or Seek Funding For Your Startup?

Today's guest has been on an incredible journey that touches on so many of our favorite entrepreneurial milestones.Derek Pankaew is the co-founder of Mythia, a financial startup that has partnered with banks to create a debit card aimed exclusively at gamers.He has experienced just about every entrepreneurial path, from running a "4-Hour Workweek" business built on passive income, to seeking out more ambitious projects in the San Francisco startup community, and eventually raising roughly 2.2 million dollars in venture capital funding.

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TMBA 610: Building Deal Flow from Social Media and Content Marketing
Episodes, TMBA Podcast Dan Andrews Episodes, TMBA Podcast Dan Andrews

TMBA 610: Building Deal Flow from Social Media and Content Marketing

Today's episode is particularly insightful for entrepreneurs who are looking to improve their social media or content marketing game, and for those of us who are interested in the property investment space.Moses Kagan is the co-founder of Adaptive Realty, a boutique real estate private equity firm based in Los Angeles, which has about $200 Million in assets under management.

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TMBA 606: Reflections on 10 Years of Running an Online Community
Episodes, TMBA Podcast Dan Andrews Episodes, TMBA Podcast Dan Andrews

TMBA 606: Reflections on 10 Years of Running an Online Community

We aren't usually the type for navel-gazing, but this summer marks an important milestone for us.10 years ago, our desire to "find our tribe" led us to form the Dynamite Circle, a private membership community of location-independent entrepreneurs.Since then, there have been dozens of DC events all over the globe, and it has truly become a life-changing adventure for so many of the people involved in the community over the last decade.

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TMBA 605: What Makes a Great Remote Employee?
Episodes, TMBA Podcast Dan Andrews Episodes, TMBA Podcast Dan Andrews

TMBA 605: What Makes a Great Remote Employee?

This week's episode was inspired by a question from a listener.Katie recently graduated with her master's degree, and while she appreciated the insight that we've shared in the past about how to get a remote job, she wanted to know more about what it takes to succeed at a remote position once you get it.This got our wheels spinning, and we put together a list of five important factors that can help employees become "A Players" in their remote positions.

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TMBA 603: Returning to Nomadic Life
Episodes, TMBA Podcast Dan Andrews Episodes, TMBA Podcast Dan Andrews

TMBA 603: Returning to Nomadic Life

Summer is here, and it's starting to feel like things are returning to "normal."For many of us in the community, that means that we're finally going to have the opportunity to pick up our backpacks and return to nomadic life.Jesse Schoberg is the co-founder and CEO of, a Software as a Service platform that helps users add blogs to their websites.

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TMBA 601: Creating Meaningful Online Communities
Episodes, TMBA Podcast Dan Andrews Episodes, TMBA Podcast Dan Andrews

TMBA 601: Creating Meaningful Online Communities

We've learned over the years on this show that being a part of a community of like-minded people is one of the most valuable experiences that you can have as an entrepreneur.This was our core motivation for forming The Dynamite Circle, our own online community of location-independent entrepreneurs, back in 2011.We originally built that community on a platform called Ning, largely because it was the best option on the market at the time, and it served us well for many years.

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TMBA 600: Why It's So Hard to Replicate Success with Derrick Reimer
Episodes, TMBA Podcast Dan Andrews Episodes, TMBA Podcast Dan Andrews

TMBA 600: Why It's So Hard to Replicate Success with Derrick Reimer

This week's episode is full of so many recurring themes that we've seen over the years on this podcast, from the unique struggles that SaaS businesses face, to the decision between bootstrapping and funding, and much more. Derrick Reimer has had a long and storied career as a software entrepreneur, but he is perhaps best known as the technical co-founder of Drip, which he built alongside our good friend and former guest Rob Walling.

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TMBA 599: The Art of Acquiring Businesses
Episodes, TMBA Podcast Dan Andrews Episodes, TMBA Podcast Dan Andrews

TMBA 599: The Art of Acquiring Businesses

We've shared a lot of stories on this podcast from entrepreneurs who have started their own businesses, but one strategy we've increasingly seen to accelerate the path to wealth is to purchase a business that already exists and to leverage debt to do so. Today's guest is an expert at that. Shakil Prasla has been acquiring businesses through his company SZ Ventures for nearly a decade.

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