TMBA Podcast Episodes

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TMBA 438: The Knowledge Gap vs. The Efficiency Gap
Episodes, TMBA Podcast Dan Andrews Episodes, TMBA Podcast Dan Andrews

TMBA 438: The Knowledge Gap vs. The Efficiency Gap

Today we are talking about the "Knowledge Gap" and the "Efficiency Gap". Too often, entrepreneurs are selling their product or service by trying to solve a "Knowledge Gap" for their customer. Nearly every entrepreneur does this. We try to be the expert in our line of work and teach people why they need to work with us. In this episode, we'll be sharing reasons why people get caught up in this differential and what we, as entrepreneurs, can do to ensure that our businesses are successful.

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TMBA 437: The Two Tomato Strategy
Episodes, TMBA Podcast Dan Andrews Episodes, TMBA Podcast Dan Andrews

TMBA 437: The Two Tomato Strategy

Dan and Ian are all too familiar with the difficulties of completing projects. A few weeks ago, they spoke at length about how "resistance" can get in the way of achieving success in your entrepreneurial endeavors. Imagine if the solution to your productivity and creative woes could come in the form of two juicy, red pieces of fruit. On today's episode, we are going to be talking about the "Two Tomatoes Strategy" for getting the projects done that are going to make a difference in your career. For those who are just getting started on their entrepreneurial journey, those who are starting a new project, or anyone who is at war with the resistance in their own lives, this strategy is a great way to overcome your distractions and ultimately move forward in a successful and productive way in both your business and your life.

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TMBA 436: The Entrepreneur's Guide to Keeping Your Sh*t Together
Episodes, TMBA Podcast Dan Andrews Episodes, TMBA Podcast Dan Andrews

TMBA 436: The Entrepreneur's Guide to Keeping Your Sh*t Together

Today Dan and Ian are going to talk about something that every entrepreneur has to deal with. That "something" is the anxiety that comes along with the entrepreneurial way of life and the overall challenge to our mental well-being. Owning and operating a business means responsibility, and those responsibilities can create all kinds of stress and mental fatigue. Very few people are as experienced in this topic as Dr. Sherry Walling. Sherry is a clinical psychologist and the host of the ZenFounder podcast. She also recently released a fantastic book on the topic called "The Entrepreneur's Guide to Keeping Your Shit Together". Sherry believes that the success of our businesses is intimately tied to our mental health. She has joined us on today's podcast to talk about why many of us aren't taking enough time to care for ourselves, and what we can do to solve that.

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TMBA 435: The Resistance is Real
Episodes, TMBA Podcast Dan Andrews Episodes, TMBA Podcast Dan Andrews

TMBA 435: The Resistance is Real

Dan and Ian know that one of the most difficult things about running a business is having the right mindset, especially in the early stages. One of the most powerful concepts about how to improve your creative mindset was presented by author Steven Pressfield in his book The War of Art. Steven poses that there is a force in the universe, which he calls 'resistance', that is manifesting itself in our lives and getting in the way of our forward progress. On today's episode, we will be talking about five ways in which this 'resistance' can appear in our day-to-day lives. Make no mistake, even the most seasoned entrepreneurs experience it. Learning how to identify 'resistance', and to eventually overcome it, is one of the most critical skills that you can learn on your entrepreneurial journey.

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TMBA 434: The Lure of Remote Work
Episodes, TMBA Podcast Dan Andrews Episodes, TMBA Podcast Dan Andrews

TMBA 434: The Lure of Remote Work

For many years, Dan and Ian have spoken about jobs on this podcast. After all, the TropicalMBA originally started as a job listing on this website. Jobs are an important facet of entrepreneurial life. Remote jobs and distributed teams have been a huge part of the successes that people have found in our community. A remote job can also offer a springboard to a long and prosperous career as an entrepreneur. On this week's episode, Dan and Ian thought it would be fun to talk about their own personal history of remote jobs. This podcast chronicles that history, from the first remote employee that they've hired, all the way to their latest venture, a remote job board that they have recently launched called Dynamite Jobs.

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TMBA 433: A Conversation With Seth Godin
Episodes, TMBA Podcast Dan Andrews Episodes, TMBA Podcast Dan Andrews

TMBA 433: A Conversation With Seth Godin

Today's guest has been massively influential on Dan and Ian from the very start of their journey. Seth Godin is something of a legend in entrepreneurial circles, and he hardly needs an introduction. His books about marketing, creativity, building companies, and personal development include Purple Cow, Meatball Sundae, The Dip, and Linchpin. These books are frequent recommendations on this podcast and have long been shared among our listeners. In addition to his books, Seth has founded an intensive four-week alternative online MBA called altMBA.  He has also created several podcasts including the popular Startup School. Seth's newest project is a brand new podcast called Akimbo. Today's show features a wide-ranging interview, which touches on a variety of topics including Seth's history as a writer and podcaster, what the business world can offer society, and much more. 

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TMBA 432: Finish Big – A Conversation with Bo Burlingham
Episodes, TMBA Podcast Dan Andrews Episodes, TMBA Podcast Dan Andrews

TMBA 432: Finish Big – A Conversation with Bo Burlingham

Dan and Ian announced on last week's podcast that they are publishing a new book about the things they wished they had considered before they sold their business. In researching the topic, they were shocked to find that there were so few people writing stories about selling businesses and that the majority of those books were simply focused on trying to get a fair price for your business. Today's guest is Bo Burlingham. Bo is the author of several books, including a book called Finish Big, which Dan and Ian both wish they could have read before selling their own business. Bo is also a journalist, with over 30 years of experience as a writer and editor at Inc. Magazine. On today's episode, Bo shares his stories about interviewing entrepreneurs who have exited their businesses and explains why he believes that there is much more to the process of selling a business than a simple monetary transaction.

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TMBA 431: We Wrote a Book
Episodes, TMBA Podcast Dan Andrews Episodes, TMBA Podcast Dan Andrews

TMBA 431: We Wrote a Book

Dan and Ian have some very exciting news to share on today's podcast. Longtime listeners know that the two of them spent several years growing a business that they eventually sold. They have also spent countless hours on this show speaking to other entrepreneurs who have changed their lives by growing and selling their own businesses. Because of this, they have decided to share their unique personal experience on this topic in the form of a new book, which Dan has recently completed writing. They didn't choose to write this book as a business venture, though. They were driven by the idea that any entrepreneur can make these kinds of life-changing business deals if they are equipped with the right knowledge. On today's episode, you will hear all about their decision to write this book, what that experience was like, and how you can be one of the first people to read it.

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TMBA 430: The Philosophy Of Crypto
Episodes, TMBA Podcast Dan Andrews Episodes, TMBA Podcast Dan Andrews

TMBA 430: The Philosophy Of Crypto

A few weeks back, Dan and Ian shared an in-depth conversation about cryptocurrency. That podcast featured Greg Gerber, who spoke about the basic things that you need to know about Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other digital currencies. The response to that podcast was fantastic, and we thought we would follow up on the topic by inviting our longtime friend, and cryptocurrency enthusiast, Taylor Pearson back on to the show. Taylor's recent article "Why Is Bitcoin Valuable" was recently featured on the front page of Hacker News. On today's show, Taylor joins us to talk about that article, and to share his insights on the philosophy behind this new technological movement. This episode isn't all philosophical, though. Taylor also shares some great tips about how you can dip your toes into the crypto space if you are so inclined.

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TMBA 429: The Problem With Cold Email
Episodes, TMBA Podcast Dan Andrews Episodes, TMBA Podcast Dan Andrews

TMBA 429: The Problem With Cold Email

Dan and Ian know better than anyone how important lead generation is to a business. After all, they used to end every episode of this podcast with the phrase "Go make a cold call."Every business needs to make sales to survive, and to make those sales, they need to have leads. Today we are going to speak to two people who specialize in generating leads and making sales. Dan Englander is the founder of SalesSchema, a consulting company that helps larger ad agencies win more business. Dana Lindahl is the CEO and Founder of Legendary LeadGen, a company that helps marketing agencies get in touch with their ideal prospects. We've asked Dan and Dana to join us this week to engage in a bit of a spirited debate about the two dominant methods of lead generation. On one side of the debate, there are people who believe that creating an amazing business that relies on word-of-mouth marketing will ultimately bring in more qualified leads. On the other side, there is the idea that cold email outreach is ultimately the superior way to get new customers and clients. Regardless of what you believe, we hope this episode will inspire you to go out there and take the necessary steps to grow your business.

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TMBA 428: A Critique of Tim Ferriss' 4-Hour Workweek
Episodes, TMBA Podcast Dan Andrews Episodes, TMBA Podcast Dan Andrews

TMBA 428: A Critique of Tim Ferriss' 4-Hour Workweek

A recent episode of Tim Ferriss' podcast caught the attention of Dan and Ian. The title of that episode was "The 4-Hour Workweek Revisited". For those who are unfamiliar, Tim is the author of The 4-Hour-Workweek, which is easily the most influential book in our community of location-independent entrepreneurs. The book is ten years old, and perhaps because of its prominence, it has received quite a few criticisms, many of which Tim addressed in his podcast. In this episode, Dan and Ian discuss their thoughts on Tim's podcast, the themes presented in his book, and why The 4-Hour Workweek is still such an important part of the entrepreneurial zeitgeist a decade after it was released.

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TMBA 427: Dan and Ian's Consulting Corner
Episodes, TMBA Podcast Dan Andrews Episodes, TMBA Podcast Dan Andrews

TMBA 427: Dan and Ian's Consulting Corner

Dan and Ian receive a lot of emails from listeners of this show. They don't always have time to respond to them, but one recent email caught their attention. The message was from a listener named Jay Clouse. Jay wrote that he was struggling with some of the common issues that early-stage entrepreneurs face. Jay recently left his position at a tech startup and has started a new business facilitating mastermind groups. Rather than email him back, Dan and Ian decided it might be helpful to call Jay and talk about these problems. This episode is a great resource for those who are just starting a business. For those of us who are more experienced entrepreneurs, we hope that you will stick around and share your own advice for Jay and the people like him in the comments section of this episode.

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What's Happening in 2018 at the TMBA?
Episodes, Featured Posts, News Dan Andrews Episodes, Featured Posts, News Dan Andrews

What's Happening in 2018 at the TMBA?

Occasionally we’ll be putting out a ‘Tuesday podcast’ with some news and ways you can get involved beyond the main TMBA show. I’ll make some notes below but, if you’re interested in our new ‘finding your dream job’, attending one of our events, or hearing what’s in store for 2018 at the blog, I recommend you listen to today’s show, which has more details than the post. The Dynamite Circle has a ton of moving parts, so if you’re curious or have questions please let us know. Most of what happens here at the TMBA happens below the blog, but we’ll do our best to post some thoughts here from time to time.

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TMBA 426: Our Favorite Books of the Past Year
Episodes, TMBA Podcast Dan Andrews Episodes, TMBA Podcast Dan Andrews

TMBA 426: Our Favorite Books of the Past Year

Indeed, many entrepreneurs have built their businesses from the wisdom and insights that they have gained from the written page. Kyla Gardner is a bit of a bookworm herself. She’s is a former journalist, established author and literati extraordinaire. And Kyla joins us this week to share the favorite books that we’ve read in the past 12 months. The conversation also turns to the writing process as well because *drumroll* Dan has recently completed a draft of his first book. So, this week’s podcast is an episode for anyone and everyone who loves books and are seeking to read more in 2018.

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TMBA 425: Meet The Deal Master
Episodes, TMBA Podcast Dan Andrews Episodes, TMBA Podcast Dan Andrews

TMBA 425: Meet The Deal Master

A few months back, Dan and Ian shared a conversation on this show about a failed negotiation that Ian was involved in for a used car. The response we received about that episode was pretty overwhelming, and the results were unanimous: people want to hear more about these types of dealmaking situations. In pursuit of that information, we decided to invite a very special guest on to the show. Corey Reuth is Ian's mentor in the world of wheeling and dealing. Over the past few years, Corey has greatly influenced the deals that Ian has made, and he has helped save Ian thousands of dollars. On this week's episode, Corey shares his stories, tips, and strategies about what it takes to make killer deals. These tips don't just apply to car sales, either. We believe that anyone that's listening to this episode can learn something that can help them make a deal and that learning these techniques can help you make great strides along your entrepreneurial journey. 

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TMBA 424: Three Scripts for Entrepreneurship
Episodes, TMBA Podcast Dan Andrews Episodes, TMBA Podcast Dan Andrews

TMBA 424: Three Scripts for Entrepreneurship

Dan and Ian have decided to use today's podcast to talk about a particularly difficult, but common issue in our community. One of the biggest challenges that entrepreneurs face is adhering to the "life scripts" that society has written for us to follow. The cold, hard truth is that people's lives often don't go the way that they think they are going to, and the social scripts that lead us into the corporate rat race can frequently leave us wanting more out of life. Today's guest is someone that Dan and Ian have known for over 8 years. We hired David Hehenberger as a TMBA intern back in 2010. Using the skills he learned during his apprenticeship, he left to become an SEO consultant and ultimately started his own successful productized business called FatCat Apps. David joins us on this week's show to talk about three specific life scripts that are uniquely tailored for entrepreneurs. These scripts will help us to create the kind of financial independence that will ultimately allow us to live the kind of lives that we want, on our own terms.

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TMBA 423: It's a Boy!
Episodes, TMBA Podcast Dan Andrews Episodes, TMBA Podcast Dan Andrews

TMBA 423: It's a Boy!

Today's podcast is a very special episode. Dan and Ian are taking some time this week to celebrate the birth of Ian's new son. On this episode, you'll hear all about how Ian is transitioning to his new role as a parent. Ian isn't alone in this adventure, though. Many of our listeners and members of our entrepreneurial community are parents as well. Balancing parenting with entrepreneurship can be quite the challenge, and today's guest understands it as well as anyone. Martijn Reintjes is the CEO of a company called Team Croco, which provides done-for-you split testing services. Martijn and his wife Ryanne have a two-year-old son named Milo, who they have brought along with them to several of our events. Martijn shares a great deal of advice with Ian on today's podcast about what it means to be a parent and an entrepreneur.

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TMBA 422: Crypto: What's It All About?
Episodes, TMBA Podcast Dan Andrews Episodes, TMBA Podcast Dan Andrews

TMBA 422: Crypto: What's It All About?

Happy New Year and welcome back to all of our listeners. We hope that we can help make 2018 your best year in business ever. To kick things off strong, Dan and Ian are going to talk about one of the most popular and controversial topics in the entrepreneurial community today. Of course, we are talking about Cryptocurrency. Digital currencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum have made many members of our audience very wealthy, and have left the rest of us wondering what we are missing out on. Greg Gerber is an internet entrepreneur and cryptocurrency enthusiast. He owns a marketing company that has been accepting Bitcoin as payment since 2013. On this episode, Greg joins us to talk about the world of digital currency, the advantages to accepting these currencies as payment, and the future of money.

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TMBA 421: The 7 Stages of Entrepreneurship
Episodes, TMBA Podcast Dan Andrews Episodes, TMBA Podcast Dan Andrews

TMBA 421: The 7 Stages of Entrepreneurship

Dan and Ian are in a reflective mood this week. 2017 has been a hallmark year for the TropicalMBA, and we thought it would be fun to revisit some of our favorite episodes of the year. We'll be sharing some of our most memorable moments from the show this year, as well as re-examining those conversations in a discussion we like to call the "7 Stages of Entrepreneurship". These 7 stages are bridges that every entrepreneur will eventually cross on their journey. Stick around after the credits for a very special collection of TropicalMBA outtakes and bloopers from 2017. To all of our listeners: We wish you a very happy holiday and a fantastic new year.

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TMBA 420: No Epiphany Required
Episodes, TMBA Podcast Dan Andrews Episodes, TMBA Podcast Dan Andrews

TMBA 420: No Epiphany Required

In the past, Dan and Ian have spoken on this podcast about specific "epiphanies" that entrepreneurs have had on their journey. You're not going to hear about a lightbulb business idea or an overnight success story on today's show, though. The reality is that even if these epiphanies happen, the day-to-day life of being an entrepreneur has nothing to do with a single moment of insight. In fact, quite often the opposite is true. Entrepreneurs frequently feel like they have no idea what they are doing or what they are supposed to do. Chris Cage first joined us on the TropicalMBA in 2015 to talk to about his company, Greenbelly Meals. Greenbelly manufactures and sells mega-calorie, high-nutrient meal bars for people that participate in activities that require a huge calorie load. When Chris last spoke on this podcast, there were many question marks about his path forward. On this week's episode, Chris talks about what has happened in his journey since we last spoke, what inspired his first book, how it felt to appear on The Joe Rogan Experience, and much, much more.

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