TMBA Podcast Episodes
With the TMBA in your ear, you’ll no longer have to grow your business alone. Subscribe to follow along to hear about the ways we help entrepreneurs scale successful businesses.
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We publish a new show every Thursday morning, 8AM EST
TMBA 27 (LBP27) - How to Build a Membership Site, Pre-launch, and Virtual Relationships with Tyrone Shum
Dan and Tyrone Shum discuss how to build a membership site, how to execute a successful pre-launch, and how to cultivate online relationships with other entrepreneurs.
TMBA 26 (LBP26) - Why I'm Not Publishing Another Podcast (Myself)
A housekeeping episode where Ian and I talk about the future of this show and how our business is evolving around it. Its a good one for you folks who have been around a while!
TMBA 25 (LBP25) - How to Make Money Online
Hey everyone, I think a lot about the make money online niche. I have tons of friends who are making BANK in that space and they are providing real value to the marketplace. There are so many folks talkin' smack but I'm not really sure all that is necessary. I weight in here with my thoughts and a few quick announcements about the podcast.
TMBA 24 (LBP24) - Why Chris Ducker Wants to Manage 200 Employees from His Laptop, and What it Takes to Make It
Chris Ducker and I got together in Manila last week to talk about a broad range of sweeeet business goings ons, we turned on the tape recorder for some of it. Here I've published the parts pertaining to the lifestyle elements of running his business, We Live 2 Care Group.
TMBA 23 (LBP23) - One Way Out of the Rat Race, and a Killer Blog Success Story with Sean from Location180.com
Sean is the recipient of the first paid internship for aspiring digital nomads, The Tropical MBA. As you can tell from the interview, Sean is a super sharp guy and doesn't need my help to achieve success. Ian and I are really fortunate to be able to work with him for the first semester of the program. Sean brings up tons of awesome principles in the interview. You can find Sean at Location180.com.
TMBA 22 (LBP22) - How We Got Milked for Thousands of Dollars Outsourcing, Our Only Automation Secret, and A Market Where Fortunes Will Be Made
This episode is in interview style. Ian thought it would be cool to dredge up the whole narrative of how we got inspired to start outsourcing and all the mistakes we made along the way.
TMBA 21 (LBP21) - How We Are Making a Couple Hundred Thousand Dollars and the Most Exciting City in the World for Internet Businesses
Heya everyone, this is the first episode where we get in to deal-making. We've been really busy as I'm sure you can tell if you listen to the episode! We are excited to touch base with everyone who is listening. It's been so great to hear from everyone who's contacted us. I really like this kind of content and I'm hoping we can do more high-level deal making stuff in the future. We also talk a lot about outsourcing opportunities in the Philippines.
TMBA 20 (LBP20) - 3 Things on Our Mind - Selling, Passion, and Vision PLUS How Social Media Changed our Thailand Experience
This episode was recorded in the same room(!) in Phuket, Thailand, on one of our quarterly global meet-up brainstorming extravaganzas. Hope you’ll enjoy some ideas we are cooking up. You can connect with us on twitter, if you are in to that kind of thing.
TMBA 19 (LBP19) - Season 2 is Here - 8 Business Principles We Wish We Knew Before Starting Our Business
Hiya podcast listeners, thanks for dropping by our site. Ian and I are currently on a goal-setting retreat in Krabi province, Thailand. On Saturday we are going to the famous (infamous?) Koh Phi Phi to have a blast, but for now we are busy setting goals and working on some big projects for 2010.