TMBA Podcast Episodes
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We publish a new show every Thursday morning, 8AM EST

TMBA 229: Explaining the Entrepreneurial Worldview to Friends and Family
Damian Thompson is back after the last episode with him absolutely blew up! Erik Emsley challenged us to help him explain to his family what this lifestyle choice is all about.

TMBA 228: Getting to the Table With High Achievers
Ian is back on the Tropical MBA Podcast this week to talk about our next big idea, as well as answering some listener questions (thank you to all who’ve called our voicemail: 888-554-8428).

TMBA 224: Listener Questions, Like : "I Make $1,000 a Month, Now What?"
Since an angry fish seemed to have cut the internet wire in the ocean, Ian and I are cut off from one another. In his stead, Jesse “The Dominator” Lawler has stepped up to bring value to the masses. The listener questions continue to get better and better, so The Dominator and I are cruising through some of the quality questions from the past week, including one that I get asked a lot, “So I’ve made $1,000… now what?”.

TMBA 218 : The Consultant’s Handbook - How to Make Location Independent Income Quickly
We’ve gotten a few phone calls recently that set us off on a path to the discussion we had this week on the Tropical MBA Podcast. Making location independent income quickly is very doable, especially going the route of the consultant. There are a few keys to making it work the right way and eventually being able to move it into something bigger, and that’s what this episode is all about.