TMBA Podcast Episodes
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We publish a new show every Thursday morning, 8AM EST

TMBA 246: Should You Be Blogging?
This week, we're digging into the archives and replaying one of our most popular, and controversial episodes. We're going to be talking about the perils of personal blogging and entrepreneurial journey blogging. A lot of people have interpreted this episode as a warning, but we consider it a challenge to bloggers to step up their game.

TMBA 243: The “Knowledge Gap” Fallacy
Last week, we put out a challenge for listeners to email us there "1000 True Fans" business plan-- what they are going to be doing for their clients, how they are doing it differently than other providers, what they are delivering, and the prices that they are planning to charge. We got a ton of responses! Some were great, and some were problematic in our view. Among those, we tried to determine the most common mistakes being made. Bossman also predicts the collapse of our business somewhere in there! Hope you enjoy and happy Thursday!

TMBA 242: How 1,000 True Fans Can Work in Practice
We got a lot of great feedback from last week's episode, but a lot of people were confused about how the 1,000 True Fans model works in the real world. On this week's episode, we are answering some listener questions about how to build your business to create "passive income" and what the equivalent of the 1,000 True Fans model is in the context of an information product.

TMBA 238: 9 Months Into A SaaS Project - 5 Things We’d Do Differently
People have been asking us to open up a little bit more about some of our specific business ventures so this week we’re going to be talking about our new software-as-a-service product, ValetUp.com. We’re 9 months into the company, and we’ve already faced some significant challenges. On this week’s episode we’ll be discussing the 5 things that we’d do differently if we were starting up a SaaS business today.

TMBA 237: Thoughts On the Costs and Logistics of Location Independent Living
This week one of our listeners challenged us to explain the detailed costs of the location independent lifestyle. We’ll talk about how to set up your business so you can become location independent and some general principles we’ve learned over the years about the ‘live and work’ anywhere mindset.

TMBA 235: 2 China Factory Sourcing Strategies (and Business Updates)
This week, Bossman is back on the scene, and we are going over a host of specific updates about our businesses. In particular, we really get into what kinds of challenges we’ve faced manufacturing our own product, how we’ve been handling our relationships with our Chinese suppliers, some ways that you can save money with manufacturing and a whole lot more.

TMBA 192 (LBP159) - A Philosophical Conversation : Gettin' Paid vs. Makin' Bank
Dan and Ian are joined on the show today by good friend and incredibly gifted entrepreneur Jon Myers. Jon is a customer experience and user interface designer with an impressive client roster including some of the organizations to which you may pay taxes. The fellas dive into the concept of simply running a comfortable company to pay the bills, and taking the next step to baller status. It’s more than just getting more customers, and as you’ll find out in this episode, it takes a little work on yourself and your business practices in tandem.