TMBA Podcast Episodes
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TMBA 186 (LBP154) - How Profitable Niche Selection Really Works: Rip Pivot and Jam Redux
This week Dan and Ian are back in Saigon and are pumped to bring you this episode that’s chalked full of actionable methods and business frameworks. The Rip, Pivot and Jam is one of the fellas’ favorite business concepts so this episode is dedicated to helping you get the most from it. Running a business is all about selecting a market, analyzing that market’s potential then taking directed and purposeful action to execute. Lots of people are too busy making things too complicated to bring it back to basics. Tune in to this episode where you’ll hear Dan and Ian’s tried and true process for maximizing the Rip, Pivot and Jam framework for next venture.
TMBA 148 (LBP129) - ROUND 1 - Business Idea Smackdown - Dan “Coconut Crusher” Andrews vs. Ian “Benjamins by Birth” Schoen
Dan’s bean bag sitting in Bali, intermittently nuking himself off the internet to make sure he gets his book taken care of on time while Ian’s in San Diego taking care of business like a boss. After getting some inspiration from the Adsense Flippers, Dan and Ian decided to go for a knock down drag out four-rounder this week. They asked Taylor, the new guy on the team, to put together 4 unique business premises. Dan and Ian come up with unique solutions to each premise and it’s up to you guys to decide who came out on top.
TMBA 42 (LBP42) - [Use at Your Own Risk] Develop a Revenue Stream with the PIVOT Method
In this episode Ian and I discuss concepts that regular listeners of the show are probably pretty used to hearing from us. We currently have a lot of overhead in our business and we are exploring ways to efficiently deploy our staff to stuff that makes us money. Last month we had a nice little revenue hit from a new product we developed using what we call PIVOT: Position, Iterate, Volley, Outsource, and Time. If that sounds like a big fat put-on, it kind of is, but we had fun using it as a structure to talk about the way we got this done.