TMBA 208 - What We're Reading
Ian and I have been wanting to bring an updated reading list to move your journey forward. On this episode, we wax a little philosophical about a variety of the best stuff we've been reading.
On the show this week:
How to choose your way forward like Calvin And Hobbes.
The key difference between a lifestyle business and a traditional one.
How to make the difficult choice between financial wealth and control of your own head space.
The value of challenging your own assumptions.
Why high friction relationships take precedence over scale.
People on this episode:
Cheesy Inspirational Poster This Week
What we're excited about this week:
Getting Things Done - David Allen
Purple Cow - Seth Godin
The Four Hour Work Week - Tim Ferriss
Bird By Bird - Anne Lamott
The War of Art - Steven Pressfield
How Laura Poitras Helped Snowden Spill His Secrets
Anything You Want - Derek Sivers
Blinded By The Light - The Epiphany
Tim Ferriss and Neil Strauss Discuss the Writing Process
Jiro Dreams of Sushi
Advice from Bill Watterson - "Creating a Life That Reflects Your Values"
The Writing Life - Annie Dillard
A Short History of Nearly Everything - Bill Bryson
Unconventional Rules of Investing - Joe Kraus
Things That Don’t Scale - Paul Graham
New Money Paradigm
What I Learned From A Short Order Cook
Marc continues to send inspiring photos from his epic road trip!
Check out our listener photos page!
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Thanks for listening to our show! We'll be back next Thursday morning 8AM EST.
Dan & Ian
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