TMBA 44 (LBP44) - Biz Failures: Crashed Crotch Rockets, Blowing $6K, and 30 Days in China

Ian and I have both been manufacturing products in China for over 5 years. In this episode we talk in detail about our plan to be a distributor of sport bike replacement fairings and why the whole thing fell apart.
This episode is sponsored by wordpress designers and developers, Gut Shot Studios.
People mentioned in this episode:
@MyEggNoodles Gut Shot Studios, and Gave us a Call from Xiamen
@DavidCrandall from Heroic Destiny does great Ustream stuff and wrote recently about HUSTLING.
@Josh_Crocker wrote an iTunes review. Thank you sir! He recently wrote about online mentors.
@ChrisCDucker 's Virtual Staff Finder was being used by listener Patrick to hire his first VA (we edited the call down a bit). Check out Chris' recent post at the excellent VBL blog on some delegation tips.
Thanks @kristofferR
@ColinismyName - Thanks for the SHOUT! on, Colin. Check out all the stuff he owns (I love this kind of thing).
Stuff mentioned in this episode:
Global Sources
Constant Contact
Phoenix, 1901 ROCKIN!!
Hacker News
Google Alerts
What Technology Wants by Kevin Kelly
People in this episode:
@anythingIan (Ian, CEO of the Company)
@TropicalMBA (Dan, Partner and Web Guy)
@DansPodcast (Show news and notes)
Call us with your questions or comments at 888-554-8428 .
Episode length: 31:50
If you've found the podcast at all helpful or entertaining, we'd love if you could click over to our iTunes page and give us a positive review. This will help us to get more listeners and invest more in the podcast! If you know some ways we can make it better, please send us an email. Dan at lifestyle business podcast . com.EPIC VIDEO!