Our New Book, Before the Exit, Is Now Published

The cover of Before The Exit book

Our new book, Before the Exit, is available for free on Amazon for the next 48 hours.

Here's where you can find it. The audiobook is available here.

If you're not using Amazon.com, you can try this link or search for the book title in your local Amazon store.

Book Cover of Before the Exit

It's designed to be short, simple, and fun to read.

It's for those who are considering an eventual exit of their company, a topic I've been thinking a lot about the past few years.

Interestingly, a handful of early readers said they found the book's thought experiments to be useful for those with more traditional careers as well.

I hope you find the book useful. Would love to hear your thoughts on it.

We've gotten such a great deal of encouragement on this project from readers of this blog, we appreciate it.



Looking for a career jumpstart? Come apprentice with us this winter.


Resources for Readers of 'Before the Exit'