TMBA 190 (LBP158) - 1,000 True Fans, 100 True Customers, or 10 True Clients
Dan and Ian dig into some of the most talked about and effective online business models for the bootstrapping entrepreneur. They discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each but it also comes with a healthy dose of why you might not want to use particular business models.
This episode is all about getting your business rolling, whether you're looking to generate passive income or really start pounding the pavement. You'll see that just because it's popular, it may not be the best method over the long run and a little planning up front can get you off to a faster start, and provide explosive growth benefits in the future.
Would You Rather Have 1,000 Fans or 10 Clients?
Why your mini-monopoly in brick and mortar won't translate online, and what you can do about it.
Dan and Ian's "Layering the Cake" model that multiplies your income from every customer.
How getting 100 people to pay you $1 per day can sometimes trump the 1,000 true fan model.
How to flip the triangle and transform clients into fans instead of fans into clients, and why that's better for you.
Andy Gray - A Congruent Life Podcast - Episode #7 : The Dan Andrews Interview
Brian Cain - Brian's Website
Gordon Ramsay - Wikipedia
Kevin Kelly - 1,000 True Fans Model
The Problem with 1,000 True Fans
Seth Godin - Startup School
Tim Ferriss - on The School of Greatness and SoapBox
Just The Tips
Dan and Ian's exact SOD they use in their business

The Jam
“Triple J Remix" - Madeon
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Episode length: 22:45
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