Announcing: The Tropical MBA Inner Circle Mastermind Group

Window facing in front of many buildings

*This mastermind is now closed. Thanks to all who applied.

This is not a product.

There is no price tag.

This is a mastermind group. That’s where smart people get together and give each other feedback on their businesses.

The basic idea is this: two or more minds, working openly together, focused on solving a problem, are better than one.

Napoleon Hill is credited with coming up with and promoting this type of arrangement for entrepreneurs. He wrote a book about being rich. Sound cool?

If you’ve never had your own mastermind group, I highly recommend pulling one together. You can use Craigslist,, Twitter, or you can go door to door. In my experience, they are incredibly valuable.

That’s why I want to start one today.

We have a lot going on in our business, and it would be awesome to get your input on some of the new directions we are taking. I’m hoping I can offer you some value as well. If you think my podcast and blog are helpful, I might be able to help you in a mastermind type setting. If I can’t help you, I’m sure my captain @AnythingIan will have something to say about your (dismal/inspring) sales figures.

This mastermind will suck for most people. That’s because there are lots of rules. Here they are:

  1. I will ONLY accept 2-3 people/companies in to this mastermind.

  2. The mastermind will be begin on a revolving 6 week period, starting February 6th, 2011, and 6:00PM PST**, and will continue for 6 weeks. You must show up at least 5 times.

  3. The mastermind will be 1 hour weekly. 10-15 minutes will be the featured participant sharing a focused business problem. An example could be a product launch, a website re-design, or a new marketing plan. Whatever business you are talking about, you must have a website live in order to be part of the group. The rest of the call will be focused on smart people working through your problem, or trying to improve your current solution.

  4. You must be willing to share your business openly with other members of the mastermind group. An element of trust will be a big part of this. I’ll do my best to weed out sharks and bad people, but there is an element of risk here that you’ll need to take on.

  5. You must have a strong Skype connection.

  6. Blog posts or public mentions about other member’s businesses are prohibited, scout’s honor.

  7. You must be okay with my posse dropping in on our calls, that includes TMBA alumns Sean, David, my CEO @AnythingIan, my director of sales, Alasdair, and my stealth TMBA link builder, who has yet to be publicly shamed.

  8. You will not be allowed to record phone calls except when other entrepreneur’s are reviewing your site and you have received permission from everyone on the call.

  9. If you find the advice you receive from my organization helpful, you will shamelessly promote every product I ever sell.

In return, I will ensure:

  1. No two accepted businesses will be in direct competition with each other.

  2. Everyone gets structured, kick-ass advice, to the best of the other participant’s abilities.

Ideal candidates for this program:

  1. Have a business that depends on the web in some fundamental way, and is currently making revenue.

  2. Have a strong skill set and are excellent communicators.

  3. Has had some business success.

  4. Feels comfortable putting group advice in to action and showing results in aggressive timeframes.

If you want to apply to be in the mastermind group, please email Dan at Tropical MBA the following:

  1. Tell me in 2-4 sentences + 1 URL what your business does.

  2. Tell me in 2-4 sentences why you think you’d benefit from a mastermind group like this.

  3. Tell me in 2-4 sentences what you believe you’ll bring to the table.

  4. Send me your phone number, so I can call you.

I look forward to working with you,


@TropicalMBA <– I tweet till my fingers hurt.


**If you cannot make this time, it might change if interesting candidates can coordinate around another schedule. If this is the case for you, please apply and offer an alternative time that works for you.


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Dear Entrepreneur, Don't Start a Blog