TMBA 199 (LBP164) - 5 Concepts (That Don't Cost Much To Implement) That Can Help You Build Wealth
This week, Dan and Ian are talking about some chessmaster stuff. This is an episode all about making strategic moves in your business that you can implement right away and start building wealth.
You'll hear the five concepts that Dan and Ian have used to grow their business and steal their piece of the entrepreneurial pie. If you're ready to pull away from the amateur hour focus and get your mind right, then listen on.
The Chessmaster Beats The Hare Every Time...
The behind the ball fallacy and how to avoid keeping up with the business Joneses.
The value of exposure and the upside of risk.
Why managing current cashflow is not the game that entrepreneurs play (and which one they do).
How to know if you should hire for it or dump it.
Why it's crucial to lead with the point and ground it afterwards.
Justin and Joe - Empire Flippers
Steve Jobs - Calligraphy
LBP Episode 134 - If It Makes You Money, You Shouldn't Be Doing It
Derek Sivers - No more yes. It's either HELL YEAH! or no

Just The Tips
The Jam
"Carry The Zero" - Built To Spill
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Episode length: 23:46
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