TMBA 181 (LBP150) - Imperfection and Getting on With It
Dan and Ian are back this week after an ill advised April fool's joke earlier this week. Don't panic though, according to the fellas, the podcast is the best part of their business so they're not going anywhere... except Paris where they're hanging out this week.
Rather fitting for this episode, Dan and Ian talk about imperfection in business and how it's not all rose petals and unicorns. The stars won't align themselves for you so tune in to hear the top five things that new entrepreneurs tend to spend too much time worrying about instead of generating income.
Get it Out to the World
Why going for perfection can become a mental crutch to your business growth.
The mindset about personal finances that can set you free.
How you'll never have perfect timing to ask for the sale so just start asking.
Why you don't need to worry about your incorporation paperwork so much.
The ground zero method of getting started on the right financial foot.
Mike Taber - Single Founder
Rob Walling - Software By Rob
Startups For The Rest of Us
Nick - Modern Sprout Planter
Jimmy Hayes - Minaal Brand
Robert Barnwell- CEO Talk Radio
Nassim Nicholas Taleb - Antifragile (Affiliate Link/Non-affiliate Link)
Theme Forest
Caffeine App
Ben Krueger - Authority Engine
Dave Ramsey - The Dave Ramsey Show

Just The Tips
Mitch Joel - @mitchjoel - Six Pixels of Separation Podcast
Jay Mohr - Mohr Stories Podcast
Get Your Voice On The LBP
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Have fun. Leave a comment. Go make it happen! :)
Episode length: 19:08
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